What is spiritual direction?

Another set of spiritual eyes and ears

Spiritual direction focuses on how God is active in a person’s life. It’s by sharing sacred stories with a spiritual director that people can move through life’s difficulties with a grounded sense of meaning and purpose.

How is God intertwined in your story?


What does a spiritual director do?

  • Intently listens to you and God

  • Helps you to recognize God’s presence in your life

  • Assists you in finding God’s direction in your life

  • Supports your deepening awareness of God’s love for you

  • Aids you in response to God with greater freedom

  • Points you to practical disciplines of spiritual growth and how they can help you dive deeper

  • Encourages and affirms you

  • Offers you a safe place to share your heart

  • Loves you and prays for you


Who is spiritual direction for?

People of all ages who want to explore and deepen their spiritual nature can benefit from spiritual direction, though it seems to appeal to people in mid-life who feel like there must be more.

Some people enter therapy at this point, and some seek out spiritual direction, but a good spiritual director will recognize when certain issues brought up by a client would be better served through therapy and will refer the client to a therapist. Unlike counseling, spiritual direction does not focus on solving problems, but rather concentrates on developing awareness of God in every facet of life.