
“One of the things I appreciated most about Jan as my spiritual director was the safe space she created for me during our sessions. I was going through an incredibly difficult time in my walk with God and there were several times that because of the safe environment she created, I was able to express emotions and articulate the inner-workings of my heart and spirit. There was one time in particular where I was falling apart inside, feeling farther away from God than I ever had. I went through my day spending all of my energy just trying to hold myself together. Then when I walked into my session with Jan, I felt the freedom and safety to finally let down my guard and just cry. She gave me the space to feel my emotions and to meet with Jesus in that vulnerable place. This was a tremendous gift to me as I journeyed with God.”

– K.S., M Div. and associate minister, client

“Jan has an incredible understanding of the interconnectedness of all of who we are. We cannot separate our relationship with God from our mental health or our physical health. Through our sessions, I was able to talk about all the aspects of my health, not just my heart. Having a space to talk about mental health issues like anxiety and depression along with how I understood my relationship with Jesus was a refreshing and healing experience for me.”

– S.S., M Div. and associate minister, client

“I have been Jan’s Spiritual Director since 2011. I have found Jan to be spiritually insightful and emotionally aware. She loves God and has a hunger and desire to grow in her walk with Him and to facilitate the same for others. She is a very humble person who is willing to listen to herself, to God, and to others about how God is shaping them. She seems to me to be sensitive and even empathic to others on their spiritual journey. She is a delight for me to give spiritual direction to. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious. I feel fully confident in recommending her as a Spiritual Director.”

– P. D., spiritual director

“During a challenging transition in my life, Jan’s Spiritual Direction became such important support for me. Her questions challenged, comforted, and steadied me while I determined God’s hand on my life.”

– J.M., Ed.D. Educational psychology and technology, church elder, client

”Jan is both naturally gifted and formally trained as a Spiritual Director. She is able to hear a person’s sacred story and listen for the work and words of God. She is open to the leading of the Holy Spirit both in her own life and in ministry, and is, I am sure, compassionate as she walks with others in Spiritual Direction.”

– J.E., friend and fellow spiritual director

“No matter what, Jan, with gentleness, love, and patience, always brings me back to Abba's loving arms. Allowing me to ask the silly questions, guiding me through the ‘Whys’ of life, and helping me to realize how much I am loved. Teaching me that it's okay to be real with God, and my relationship with Him has been so much richer!”

- L.W., client